Mr. Koenig's homework news forum

Homework for Friday Nov. 3

Picture of George Koenig
Homework for Friday Nov. 3
by George Koenig - Friday, 3 November 2017, 3:20 PM

Math: We are finishing up the first half of our unit with a lesson on finding the surface area of a cylinder. We will continue working on this next class. How well do you know the formulas for the surface areas of the prisms and cylinders? There is no math homework this weekend. However, work on your cell city projects.

Science: The cell city project is rolling along. We have completed 5 out of 5 work periods. Div. 13 will begin presentations on Monday, Nov. 6, and Div. 15 on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Div. 13 French: We are starting a project on our wonderful town of Sidney. Students will research an establishment and write about it in French.

Miscellaneous: The school's Remembrance Day Assembly is next Friday at 9:45 in our gymnasium. Parents are invited to attend.