Front Page News

First Day of School Delayed

Picture of Kal Russell
First Day of School Delayed
by Kal Russell - Monday, 1 September 2014, 9:53 AM

First Day of School Delayed


We are just receiving news that the first day of the 2014 school year will be delayed. We will keep you posted on any announcements about the start of school on our school website, the district website and the NSMS Twitter feed. We are hopeful that the dispute between the government and teachers will be resolved very quickly and we will be back in school working with children.


Dr. Keven Elder, our Superintendent of Schools, has posted a detailed letter to parents regarding the start of school. Additionally, he has placed links to BCSPEA and BCTF websites that list both of their sides bargaining positions. Please check out his letter at


I look forward to posting a school start day as soon as we hear news that school will open for the 2014-2015 school year.





Kal Russell