Wednesday, September 23, 2020
1) Lunch & Recess Rotation:
Lunch: Recess:
4: 3&4 / 1&2 | Basketball Court/Swings/Super 8 Field | LC/Computer Lab |
4: 5&7 / 11&12 | LC/Computer Lab | Hawk's Nest/Main Field |
4: 6&8 / 13&15 | Hawk's Nest/Main Field | Gym/Intramurals |
4: 9&10 / 14 | Gym/Intramurals | Basketball Court/Swings/Super 8 Field |
2) Early dismissal today and tomorrow at 1:55 pm. Buses will be running with an earlier pick up time. Bell schedule is below:
3) Photo Day is this Friday, September 25th.
4) Monday, September 28th is a non-instructional day.
5) Lost & Found: Are you missing a black Roots lunch kit? Have you lost a pink face mask with cherries on it? Please come by the office to claim your lost items.