Thursday, January 23, 2020
Peer Helpers:
There will be no meeting during advisory for Peer Helpers this week. Please see Ms. Rioux if you have questions, or would like a schedule for next month's meetings.
Hip Hop Dancers:
Hip Hop is cancelled tomorrow. Enjoy the sleep in. See you next week!
Grade 7/8 Girls Volleyball:
Reminder of the meeting @ eating time during Lunch in the art room. See you there!
Grade 6/7 Girls Volleyball:
Please make sure to return your permission form to either Mrs. Beaudry (room 206) or Ms. Mazzocchi (room 201) as soon as possible. There will be a meeting on Monday at lunch, after the eating period, in room 201.
Boys volleyball:
Please make sure to return your permission forms to Mrs. Jones as soon as possible (room 209).
Please return your T-Shirt order forms to Ms. Pires today!
Tech Crew:
Rehearsal (Wed group) tomorrow at lunch.