Daily Announcements

Monday, December 2, 2019

Picture of Keri Herle
Monday, December 2, 2019
by Keri Herle - Monday, 2 December 2019, 9:01 AM


Monday, December 2, 2019



Grade 8 Boys Basketball:

Meeting today at lunch in the art room. Bring your lunches. 


Hip Hop:

Hip hop dance will begin this Friday. Drop ins welcome. Come try it out if you’re new. Open to all students. Meet at 8am on the stage!


School Reminders:

  • Please keep phones, headphones, earbuds, and AirPods in your locker during lunch and recess.  These items should not be in hallways, in classrooms, or in the gym during lunch or recess; they should be kept in your locker.

  • Please be responsible and sort hard plastics and soft plastics.  They go to different places in our bins and in the recycling environment.  These plastics end up in our landfill if we don't sort them properly.

  • Reminder that we are a fragrance free school due to adult and student sensitivities.  Pit stick for PE is OK and appreciated!