THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 2019
Showcase Tickets:
Tickets for Showcase are now on sale before school (outside the office), at lunch (in the atrium) and after school (in the office). Tix are $5 each or a family pack (3 or 4 tix) for $10.
Mountain Bike:
Four students are currently signed up for today's (wet) ride, along with one parent. Please remember you need to register online before lunch ends if you intend to join us. GO HAWKS!
Gauss Girls:
Gauss Girls will meet in the art room at lunch today. Remember to bring a pencil, your calculator, and your 2017 contest.
Tech Crew:
Your permission forms for Showcase need to be back ASAP (as soon as possible), please !
Track and field:
Practices will begin next week! Afternoon practices will be at Parkland track on Tuesday and Wednesday after school from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. These practices will include all running events, discus, shot put, and long jump. High jump practices will take place at NSMS in the gym on Wednesday mornings from 8:15 - 8:45 am. There will be an information meeting for all students who are interested in Track and Field on Tuesday at lunch.