Daily Announcements

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Picture of Keri Herle
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
by Keri Herle - Tuesday, 6 November 2018, 9:06 AM


Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Meeting during Advisory:

Please may Jasmine Cunn, Clara NP, and Jordyn Putter see Mrs Stofer during advisory this morning.



Actors for ‘A Christmas Carol’ please see the schedule on the stage door. Additional rehearsals have been added because of handball and field trip absences. This way we can get acting!!!  The schedule has your character name on certain days we need you to be there this week. Please speak to Mrs. Chambers if there is a conflict. There is no Thursday drama.


Remembrance Day Assembly:

All cadets, scouts, and guides participating in Friday's Remembrance Day Assembly please meet Mr. Newlove during Advisory tomorrow.  


Poppy Donations:

All students will be receiving a poppy to wear prior to Friday’s Remembrance Day assembly.  There is a donation tin in each classroom for students/families who would like to make a small donation to the Royal Canadian Legion.


Hawk’s Clothing:

The order has gone to our supplier. It usually takes 2 weeks for the clothing to arrive.  We'll announce on the web when it's here!