Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tech Crew:
Today’s Run/Bike Team: Please come to the office immediately after checking in with your homeroom teacher this morning.
There is no Tech Crew meeting this week as it's Halloween!
Grade 6/7 girls Basketball:
Practice tomorrow after school until 4:30. Please let Mrs. Johnson or Mrs. Timmermans know if you cannot attend.
Hawk’s Clothing:
All clothing orders need to be in to the office by 3:00 tooday. Late orders can’t be processed. Order forms are available at both the school office and online.
Remembrance Day Ceremony:
Any Cadets, Scouts or Guides who would like to participate in the Remembrance Day ceremony should see Mr. Newlove during Advisory tomorrow.
Photo Retakes:
Photo retakes will take place on Friday, November 2nd. Please bring your original proofs back that day to return to the photographer.
Garbage Outside:
There is a lot more garbage on our fields and playgrounds over the past couple of weeks. This is our school and we want to take care of it. Please take a few extra minutes to recycle your wrappers before going outside. There are always two garbage cans outside; one by the Hawksnest and one by the swings. Thank you!