Daily Announcements

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Picture of Jessica Tamburino
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
by Jessica Tamburino - Tuesday, 10 April 2018, 8:38 AM


Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Thursday, April 12 (next week) - 3:15-7:30 (all actors)


Mountain Bikers - yesterday’s ride on Snakes & Ladders was great fun.  There were lots of smiles, a few minor bruises & plenty of thrills. Our next ride is on Wednesday next week.  Remember to make ride suggestions to Mr. Caley today. Go Hawks!


Boys Rugby has a busy week.  Practice today after school 3:15-415.  Game on Wednesday after school. All day jamboree on Thursday.  Make sure to keep your mouth guards at school all week.

The boys under 100 pound team has a game at NSMS tomorrow after school starting at 3:40 and ending at 5.  Bring mouth guards and permission forms to play in the game. Hand permission forms in to room 106 Mr. Greaves' room.  See Mr. Greaves if you need a permission form.

Could the following girls please see Mrs. Stofer ASAP to let me know how you are getting to Wednesday's rugby game at Central!

Carys Langard, Jordyn Putter, Macy Johnston, Jaime Barwick,Melia Strosher


Track & Field season is here! Please come to an information meeting if you are at all interested at little recess, on Wednesday, April 11th in the ART ROOM.


Gauss Girls will meet again at lunch on Wednesday. We'll meet in the ART ROOM this week. New members are always welcome. Returning members please remember to sign up for our Google Classroom page and try some of the questions from the posted Gauss contest if you can. What is the probability of choosing a yellow M&M from the package? Finding out may require eating a few!


Mrs Stofer is having a contest for one lucky person to design the cover of our YEARBOOK!

Submissions should be on 8 1/2 X 11 size paper and depict NSMS life!

Perhaps a collage of pictures, or a theme based on sports, academics, and friends that make NSMS what it is. Or a hawk.

The possibilities are endless. However, the deadline to submit your entry to Mrs. Stofer directly is April 25. Good luck!