Daily Announcements
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Poppy donation cans will be delivered to classrooms this week. Please consider making a small donation by Friday. All staff and students will receive a poppy on Friday morning before our assembly at 9:45.
Grade 6 & 7 intra mural playoff games start this week! On Thursday, Div 5 plays Div 7. The winner of that game will play Div 3, also at a later date. The blue poster by the PE office shows what the schedule looks like for the next few weeks.
There is a new sign up sheet on the door of the canteen for any students that would like to help.
Reminders that only those members helping with the Remembrance Day rehearsal need to be at Thursday's meeting this week, and that there is a Remembrance Day rehearsal during block 4 in the gym. Please be in the gym at the beginning of recess to set up.
GRADE 8 LEADERSHIP - Team Photos Group:
Ernesto & Ibrahim: Please remember Thursday's Basketball Game. Please meet me in the Multipurpose Room.