Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Tickets are on sale now! $5 each; a family pack of 4 for $10. Available each day at lunch in the Atrium or for parents at the school office.
Tomorrow is our first Dress Rehearsal (Blocks 1 & 2) & our first evening Performance (starts at 7:00 pm). Performers need to come to school with everything they need for their Act. We will be moving to the Green Rooms during Advisory for the Dress Rehearsal - please listen carefully to tomorrow's announcements for directions on when you should go, and where you need to report to.
Grade 8 Boys Rugby: Practice Wednesday, Away game blue team Thursday (early dismissal at 2:30), Home game White Team Thursday
Could the girls rugby team meet with Mrs Stofer during advisory this am please and thank you in order to prepare for this week.
6/7 Boys Rugby
There will be a brief meeting today in Mr. Davies room during the afternoon recess. All players wanting to play in tomorrow's game must be there. There is NO practice after school today.
Track and field athletes who are planning to compete at UVic on Thursday, May 11th OR Monday, May, 15th, must come to an important meeting in Ms. Wheatley's room during the lunch activity period today. If you are unable to make it to the meeting you must see Ms. Carruthers as soon as possible.
Events for Thursday:
Girls Long Jump and Shot Put
Boys High Jump and Discus
800m, 200m and 2000m (boys and girls)
Events for Monday, May 15th:
4x100m (practice)
Triple Jump (boys & girls)
Practices: today and Wednesday after school at Parkland as well as high jump in the gym Wednesday morning.
The Gauss Math Contest is Wednesday, May 10th in Block 3. Students who have signed up should make sure they have worked on at least one past contest but the more you do the better. A link to past contests is available on Ms. Carruthers' homework page. See Ms. C in Room 208 if you have any questions.
Girls basketball Friday at the NSMS gym from 3:15 to 4:15. We welcome all girls (beginner to advanced levels) who attend NSMS. See you there – bring a friend!
Today's race is the Cross Country MTB – Long Course at Hartland. Please let Mr. Caley know if you will be participating.