Friday, January 20, 2017
Daily Announcements
PJ Day is back! All NSMS Hawks are encouraged to crawl out of their nests, have breakfast (a small mammal or two), brush their beaks and come to school in their jammies! Tuesday, January 24 all day!
On March 22nd - 26th we have a group of students visiting from Japan. We are looking for twenty-five NSMS families that would like to host pairs of students. For every NSMS family that participates our PAC receives $25. Please talk to your family and if they are interested or would like more info have them contact Mrs. Tamburino in the office.
Grade 7 girls Volleyball: Practices will be Tuesday morning at 8 and Thursday after school until 4:30. Please talk to Mrs. Johnson if you are unable to attend.
A reminder to grade 6 girls volleyball players that we practice from 8-8:45 Monday mornings and from 3:15-4:30 Tuesdays after school.