Daily Announcements
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
If you are interested in being considered for the Power to Be program, please return your permission form signed by a parent/guardian by this Wednesday. Please give forms to your homeroom teacher. If you missed the meeting or didn't receive a form, please see Mrs. Shantz for another form.
Boys 6/7/8 Volleyball Players - General interest meeting in the art room Tuesday after the eating period.
Canteen Volunteers - Monday and Tuesday - Makena Chapman and Evelyn Forrester
On Friday, November 25th there will be a school spirit day, Crazy Hair Day. The class with the most participation will be given a prize for showing their school spirit. GO HAWKS!
Today's hand ball game is a grade 8 make up game between team 6 and 4. The regular season for 6/7 is over and playoffs will start next week. Look at the standings to see how your team did.
Also, after hand ball is over there will be a 21 free throw tournament. Sign up in the gym this Thursday during open gym.
Grade 7 girls basketball team: Reminder that you have a home game today. Please meet Mrs. Johnson in the gym after school ready to play!