Daily Announcements
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Book club meeting on Tuesday Nov. 8 at lunch in the Resource Room. Please finish Tuck Everlasting by then, and please bring your lunches and novels.
Today's intra mural game is between Div 1 and Div 6. Referees and set up crew is Joey, Amir and Perry.
Grade 8 Leadership - Team Photographers:
This week: Wednesday after school: Amy & Isla, Thursday after school: Daniel & Josh
Gr 6/7 girls basketball team. Please ask to be dismissed today at 2:45 and meet Mrs. Johnson in the atrium for our away game at Pacific Christian School.
Poppies will be distributed before our assembly on Thursday morning. Please consider donating a coin to your class poppy can.
Canteen Helpers: Mackena and Evelyn F.
Snack Shack Helpers: Evelyn D and Sarah B