Morning Announcements
Monday, May 2, 2016
Week 2
Reminder to Tech Crew members that you are helping on stage:
Period 1: Jace, Gavin, Sam, Aaron & Chris
Period 2: Eric M & Octavian
Period 3: Jaden, Samantha, Emma, Harrison & Eric S
Period 4: Alex, Eric M & Octavian
And,,,, we need a few more responsible, energetic & self-motivated members to help with set up during period 2 and at lunch time today!
Finally, those Tech Crew helping with today's after school Rehearsal need to be on stage and ready to go no later than 3:10 today!
Tomorrows School Bike League race is the Cyclecross at Monteray Middle School. Please tell Mr. Caley by lunch time today if you plan to ride tomorrow.
Attention all Track and Field participants. There will be practices after school today and Tuesday at Parkland. There is a high jump practice at 8:15 on Wednesday morning. If you are planning to participate in the Meet at UVic this Thursday, you must attend one of these sessions this week. Also, there is a mandatory meeting at Recess (1:46 pm) on Tuesday in Ms. Wheatley's room.
the grade 7 rugby team has a practice today after school 3:15 to 4:15 and a home game on Wednesday. Next week is the city championships. Each player bring $10 to Mr. Greaves this week please.
Lost and Found items are now on display in the Atrium. All unclaimed items will be donated to Beacon Community Services on May 6th.
Canteen will be serving BLT cheddar wraps and Mini Cheese Pizzas, volunteers are Jenn And Jade. Tuesday's $5.00 combo grilled cheese sandwich, juice and raspberry chocolate chip muffin, volunteers are Mathew and Eric.Wednesday volunteers are Tyesha and Megan, we will be serving Lasagna with garlic bread and chicken Caesar salad bowls.Thursday $5.00 combo hotdog, chips and juice.