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Morning Announcements for
Thursday's $5.00 Lasagna combo, volunteers are Olivia and Kirsten.
Viking Cup:
Any grade 8 student interested in playing in the Viking Cup Hockey game is invited to attend a meeting at lunch at 12:05 in Mr. Chambers room on Friday, January 23.
Playground Pals:
Looking for something to do at lunch? Grade 8 leaders will be running activities in the MPR on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. After the eating period, line up outside the MPR and wait for Mr. Demers to ask you to come in.
Reminder to Tech Crew members today that we'll be meeting on the stage immediately after school and then walking over to Parkland. We need to leave by 3:11 (and 30 seconds), so please be quick getting to the stage!
Game 1: Dope Ninjazz vs Mangoes Reborn
Game 2: Red Rapters vs #getshreked
Game 3: Goon Squad Beautiful Memories
Game 4: Beached Whales vs Banana Bible
Game 5: Humansa United vs Target Practice
Game 6: The The vs Team Brady