Daily Announcements

Monday, March 31, 2014

Picture of Jessica Tamburino
Monday, March 31, 2014
by Jessica Tamburino - Monday, 31 March 2014, 9:12 AM

  Morning Announcements for  

Monday, March 31, 2014



Mrs. Stofer is looking for artwork for the yearbook.
If you are an aspiring artist or just like to dabble with doodles,
please create a lovely drawing for the cover of the yearbook.
Submissions are to be in to Mrs. Stofer by April 18.

Rugby practice after school today 3:15-4:15. Bring mouth guards, cleats and permission forms.  The grade 6/7s have their first game tomorrow!


Congratulations to the Grade 8 bandies who came out to the car wash on Saturday. They made a whopping $1035 for their 4 hours of effort. Way to go!

Grade 6 bandies are reminded to get their field trip permission forms in to the office as soon as possible. The festival is this Thursday!


Students interested in the Mountain Bike Club  & School Bike League should return their permission forms as soon as possible.  If you haven't picked up forms, then please see Mr. Caley to get them.