Daily Announcements

Friday, January 10, 2014

Picture of Jessica Tamburino
Friday, January 10, 2014
by Jessica Tamburino - Friday, 10 January 2014, 9:04 AM

Morning Announcements for

Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 1 in the School Calendar


  • Swim team practices start again today. Please make sure you are at the pool and ready to swim by 3:45.

  • VOW OF SILENCE is coming to North Saanich Wed. Jan. 29th.  This is a day to stay silent in support of those children who have no voice: they cannot speak for themselves about their lack of food, clothing, water, safe place to live and lack of education.   Please join us by purchasing a $2.00  sticker in advisory on Jan. 29th  and staying silent for the school day.  Look for YAC members to visit your advisory class soon to provide more details.

  • Pizza today at lunch!