Monday, October 28, 2013
Week 1
All Remembrance Day dancers must attend an important meeting during the lunch eating period today. Please bring your lunch to the art room.
There are only two more days to take a guess to figure out how many Hallowe'en candies are in the candy jar. Come to the atrium today with 25 cents for each guess you want to make. If you are closest without going over, you will win the jar of candy! The winner will be announced at the Halloween social.
Gr. 8 intramural handball today at lunch Team #1 vs Team #2. Come out and see which Team gets their first win!!!!
There is a very important grade 8 girls basketball practice tomorrow morning - Everyone MUST attend or talk to Mrs. Timmermans today if you cannot attend practice. You should have a good reason for missing practice at this point. Our first set of games is next Wednesday and we need to prepare.
Grade 6/7 Boys basketball practices this week will be Thursday morning 7:45 and Friday after school 3:20-4:30.
Youth in Action Club members: please remember to put up your We Scare Hunger posters today.
Our weekly meeting has been changed just for this week. YAC please come to room 102 after the eating period tomorrow Tuesday Oct. 29th.
There will be a grade 7/8 Recreation Practice on Wednesday morning at 7:45 and Thursday after school from 3:20-4:30.
Canteen: Today's volunteers are Kalyn and Avery. We will be serving chicken nuggets with veggies, grilled pita and tzatziki and caesar salads.