Dear Parents and Guardians... North Saanich Middle School has signed up to participate in the BC Children's Hospital annual Jeans Day fundraiser. We have selected Friday, May 14 and May 28 as our days that we will encourage staff and students to wear jeans to support this great resource for the children of British Columbia. There are three ways for children and families to support this fundraiser. The first is to wear jeans on the selected days, and the second is to bring a loonie or a toonie and drop it in the donation box in the office. And lastly, if you want to make a larger donation, you can donate at this link.
This year we have a very personal connection to the hospital as one of our staff members has a child currently receiving treatment at BC Children's Hospital. We hope everyone in the school will wear jeans on Friday, May 14 and 28th to show our support to them and to help raise some money for BC Children's Hospital.
Go Hawks!
Message from Children's Hospital
This May, we're helping kids at BC Children's Hospital get out of their hospital gowns and back into their jeans. Last year, more than 96,000 patients visited BC Children's Hospital—that's almost one student in every classroom. With your support, we can challenge this status quo and help safeguard the health of kids in our province.
Plus, your donation will be generously matched by Odlum Brown*, so don't miss this chance to double your impact and help support us by making a secure online donation to our fundraising page. Thank you for your support.
* Gifts will be matched from May 1-31, up to a cumulative total of $30,000.