Thursday, September 12, 2019
All students please ensure that your lock is on your locker by the end of today. Any unclaimed lockers will be closed for use.
Lunchtime Gym:
Open gym today - everyone welcome!
All grade 8 students interested in rowing: There will be a parent meeting and opportunity to register today in the NSMS library at 6 pm. If you have any questions or would like more information see Ms. Coppen today at lunch in room 207.
Basketball Scrimmages:
The gym will be open after school until 4pm for anyone who would like to participate in some basketball scrimmage games. If you have any questions please see Mr. Dagg. Go Hawks!
GSA Club:
Students interested in being part of the GSA group are invited to join Ms. Johnson in the resource room during lunchtime tomorrow. Please bring your lunch or join us once you get through the pizza line up!
Europe Trips:
If you are a grade 7 student interested in travelling to Italy and Greece during spring break 2021 (your grade 8 year), please come to a meeting on Monday, Sept. 16 after the eating period in the French portable.
There will be a Europe 2020 trip meeting Tuesday, Sept. 17 at lunch in the French portable. Please bring your lunches.
Sailing Club:
The Parkland Fall Sailing program is starting soon. All levels welcome. If you are interested in sailing this fall please contact Christine at cbennett@saanichschools.ca.
Pizza Day:
Our first pizza day is tomorrow! Pizza is $2/slice.
Please remember that while food is allowed outside, packaging is not! Let’s do our best to keep the school grounds clean!