Front Page News

Pink Shirt Day

Picture of Doug Caley
Pink Shirt Day
by Doug Caley - Friday, 15 February 2019, 8:24 AM

NSMS Supports Anti-Bullying:

In today’s digital world, it can be impossible to escape online bullying, whether it takes the shape of harassment, spreading rumours, sharing embarrassing information or threats. This year, Pink Shirt Day's focus is on CYBERBULLYING by thinking twice before posting something negative.  

The dawn of social media brought with it a whole new way to interact, communicate, and even bully. But in this digital world where filtered photos and crafted messages can be posted in an instant, it often takes more time and effort to say something mean than it does to say something nice. Kindness requires no manipulation, no focusing on the negatives, and no filtering of yourself. It’s simply, truly nice. For social media users, we want them to THINK before the post. We want them to ask themselves if it is: True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and KIND. Nice Needs No Filter!

Join NSMS as we join thousands of other Canadians by wearing a Pink Shirt on Wednesday, February 27.