Volleyball Players:
Last call for t-shirt orders. Please have all orders to Ms. Mazzocchi by the end of lunch today.
Dodgeball Games today:
1. Chimy Changas vs Predators
2. Chili Peppers vs A Team Without a Name
3. You're Sick Bud vs Meme Lords
If there's enough time:
4. The loser of game 1 vs the winner of game 2
Tech Crew:
Isaac Lenz, Lex Petrick, Liam Haddock & Amanat Sahota please meet at 12:07 today at the MPR Booth to prepare for Wednesday’s assemblies.
Grade 7 & 8 Girls Volleyball:
Tuesday morning practice has been cancelled. See you Wednesday after school.
Candy-Gram Lollipops:
Valentine's Day is coming up next week. GSA will be selling candy-gram lollipops all week in the atrium at lunch after eating time. You can buy them and send them to your friends. Individual lollipop will be $0.50 and class sets will be $6.00. They will be on sale until the 12th and will be delivered on the 14th. This is a great opportunity to let someone know you care!
Scents in School:
Just a reminder that we have a couple of people at NSMS with allergies to scents. Please refrain from wearing perfumes and colognes. Deodorant is still appreciated :)