Volleyball T-shirt Order:
Last call for volleyball t-shirt orders! If any players would still like to order a personalized t-shirt, please have orders in on Monday by lunch time. Order forms can be picked up and dropped off in Ms. Mazzocchi’s room (201).
Capoeira Class:
Reminder that there is a Capoeira class in the gym with Mr. Caffiero during the lunch activity time for those interested.
Monday games:
1 Chimy Changas vs Predators
2 Chili Peppers vs A Team Without a Name
3 You're Sick Bud vs Meme Lords
If there's enough time:
4 The loser of game 1 vs the winner of game 2
Scents in School:
Just a reminder that we have a couple of people at NSMS with allergies to scents. Please refrain from wearing perfumes and colognes. Deodorant is still appreciated :)