Grade 8 Leadership:
Any Grade 8’s who have not handed in their Grade 8 Leadership form, please return it to the office.
Dodgeball today:
The Meme Lords vs The Mighty Duckers
Puddin vs Chimy Changas
Big ? vs Predators
Chili Peppers vs loser of today's game 2
A Team Without a Name vs loser of today's game 4
Now that the grade 8 finals has been determined, everyday is a grade 6/7 day!
Craft Club:
Craft Club begins tomorrow. Bring your lunch and come to room 205.
Grade 6/7 Boys Volleyball:
Practice Thursday after school, 3:15-4pm. Please let Mrs. McElgunn know if you cannot attend.
Pyjama Day!
Just a reminder that Friday is pyjama day at NSMS!!!