Daily Announcements

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Picture of Jessica Tamburino
Thursday, April 13, 2017
by Jessica Tamburino - Thursday, 13 April 2017, 9:08 AM

Thursday, April 13,  2017


Grade 8 Leadership - Team & Club Photographers:

A reminder that the following students need to take pictures of the Intramurals at lunch this week:

    • Thursday:  Harrison & Brigs


The indoor soccer championship is set!  Div 6 takes on Div 5 for the championship!  See you in the gym!


All grade 8 rugby players have a meeting in Mr. Chambers' room today at afternoon recess.

Congratulations to the grade 6/7 boys  Hawks rugby team who won their first game against a tough GNS team. Great leadership and footwork from Cullen Randall and Caleb Bentham. We have amazing powerhouses with Quintin Benwell, Nic Cauvin, and Kyle Cowperthwaite. An impressive and fearless first outing. Quick meeting for players at afternoon recess today.


A reminder to all Track and Field athletes of the practice after school on Tuesday. Please be at Parkland track no later than 3:20. Also, if you haven't collected a permission form yet, they are in a ziploc bag on the bulletin board outside Mrs. Carruther's room.


Friday after school basketball for girls will start on April 21st at North Saanich Middle School.

We will meet at 3:15 in the gym.

The boys have been running a drop in basketball program for a few months and they have generously offered to split the gym with us.  To clarify, we will be practicing separately from the boys.

Coach Larry Green of Parklands will be running these free drop in basketball sessions.  Parents are always welcome to stay and watch.

Please feel free to invite your friends who are interested in learning to play basketball.