Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Daily Announcements
On March 22nd - 26th we have a group of students visiting from Japan. We are looking for twenty-five NSMS families that would like to host pairs of students. For every NSMS family that participates our PAC receives $25. Please talk to your family and if they are interested or would like more info have them contact Mrs. Tamburino in the office.
Grade 7 girls Volleyball: Practices will be Tuesday morning at 8 and Thursday after school until 4:30. Please talk to Mrs. Johnson if you are unable to attend.
A reminder to grade 6 girls volleyball players that we practice from 8-8:45 Monday mornings and from 3:15-4:30 Tuesdays after school.
Grade 6/7 boys volleyball players - Our first game is this Thursday at Bayside Middle School. Please have your permission slips signed and returned to Madame McElgunn as soon as possible.
Gr 6/7 dodge ball today: Ball-E vs Jr. Bintina Crew, The Eh Team vs PBNJ, Mustangs vs Hubba Bubba, Musketeers vs BMW. All teams should stick around in case the games are quick and you get a 2nd game.