Morning Announcements
Wednesday, April 13,, 2016
Week 1
Band 7 will not rehearse on Thursday morning. Band 8 is reminded that they will be rehearsing that morning instead. Grade 7 students attending the Whistler trip should also attend rehearsal Thursday morning.
See you at 8:30!
Gr 8 Rugby practice today after school
The grade 6/7 boys under 105 lbs team won both their games yesterday, defeating SMUS and monterey middle school. Both games featured excellent rucking and tackling, next practice is this Thursday.
There is a mandatory meeting for all students performing in the NSMS Talent Night in room 205 tomorrow at lunch.
Wednesday's volunteers are Jenn and Jade, we will be serving Beef Taco bowls, Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps.
Thursday's $5.00 combo Pulled Pork in a bun served with veggies, juice and brownie
Attention all Track and Field athletes. There will be a practice after school today at Parkland. Please be ready to go no later than 3:30. The next practices will be after school on Monday and Tuesday. Please see Ms. Wheatley for a permission form/schedule during Advisory.
Grade 6/7's will be eating in their classrooms on April 14/15th (this Thursday/Friday).
The Conference room across from the office is being used by our Creatures of Habitat volunteers and so will be unavailable to students all day on April 14/15th (this Thursday/Friday).
To help commemorate our Mexican students visit to NSMS, we would like to assemble all the grade 8's tomorrow at 9:30 at the Hawks Nest. Our EA staff will be in their weekly meeting and join directly from there for the picture.
Let's Talk Science Challenge:
The following people need to bring their permission forms to Mrs. Jones - ASAP! Abby S, Dallas M, Tori K, and Alexis V