Morning Announcements
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Week 1
menu, Rotini pasta with garlic pita and Grilled Cheese sandwiches,
volunteers are Anamieka Thornton and Hannah Snowball, please arrive
11am. Thursday's $5.00 combo, hotdog, juice and chips, volunteer
Colten Leslie.
Snack shack lunch time volunteers are Ethan Harper
and Kieren Smith, recess Jessica and Kylee Wright
Music Bingo:
We are very excited to invite NSMS students, staff, families and friends to our second annual MUSIC BINGO NIGHT! Celebrate the beginning of a new school year with good music, great prizes, yummy food (including pizza dinner) and fabulous company.
Tickets are $10 for individuals, $30 for a family of four and can be purchased by cash or cheque (made out to NSMS PAC) at the office or by credit card online at All proceeds will go directly to supporting social, athletic and academic programs at NSMS for each and every student. Thank you for your support.
Lunchtime Activities:
Grade 8 handball sign up is at lunch on the wall outside the gym. Bring a pencil.
Today is girls' day in the gym at lunch. All girls from all 3 grades are welcome.
Pizza sales start this Friday, Sept 18.
Pizza is sold from the grade 8 hallway for the grade 8's only and in the canteen for the 6/7's only.
Pizza is first come first served so it is a great idea to bring a little food to school in the event that you
do not get in line and pizza sells out.
We sell pizza at $2 per slice, chocolate milk for $2, and cheese sticks for $1.50
Please bring small bills as it is hard for us to make change when everyone has a $20 bill.
Pizza toppings: Hawaiin, cheese, pepperoni and cheese, pepperoni and bacon.
Any student who is interested in joining Youth in Action this year, please come to a meeting in Room 207 at 12:10 on Thursday. Come and see how you can make a positive impact on someone else's life!!
Reminder to the Tech Crew that there is NOT a meeting on this Thursday because of the early closure.
May the following students please see Mrs. Stofer during advisory today:
Toria Halyniuk, Cerys King, Chelsea Mosher, Jessica Underwood, Elise Coley – Donahue,Maia Gemmell