Daily Announcements

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Picture of Jessica Tamburino
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
by Jessica Tamburino - Wednesday, 8 April 2015, 9:01 AM

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Morning Announcements for

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Music Bingo:

This Friday! Come out to this fun, family event! 6:30 - 8:00. Tickets can be purchased at the office. $10 each or buy a family pack of four for only $30! Hope to see you there!


Wednesday $5.00 combo meal Rotini Pasta, juice and brownie, volunteers Ryan and Will.
Thursday's $5.00 combo Hotdog, chips and juice, volunteers David Boyd

Today's lunch time snack shack volunteers are Sarah Seymour and Alicia Pelkey, recess volunteers Covey and Kenna MacNamara
Snack shack is now are offering frozen juice boxes for purchase, please recycle them in the proper recycling bins.


The grade 6 rugby team had two hard fought matches yesterday and came away showing vast improvements, scoring more tries in one game, than in their previous two games combined. The grade 6 rugby team has a meeting today in Mr. Cooper's room after the lunch eating period to discuss the Claremont Jamboree. Go Hawks. 

Grade 8s have a rugby practice after school today.  We will be planning our trip to Claremont and Glanford after school.

Lunchtime Activities:

Intra mural soccer is Div 3 v Div 7.


Would all Showcase performers (excluding school choir and band) please attend a very important mandatory meeting in the LC Friday lunch (after the eating period).