First Day Instructions
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3, 2013. If you are a grade six or seven student please arrive at the school by 8:50 AM, and gather outside by the playscape where your name and division number will be posted. At 9:00 a.m. grade six and seven students will be called into the gym and asked to sit behind a cone with their division number on it. You will meet your advisory teacher and head to class. At 9:20 Grade 8 students' division lists will be posted outside. Grade 8's will be called to the gym at 9:30 AM to meet their advisory teacher and then head to class.
On the first day of school leave your supplies at home except for a pen, pencil and a snack. When you have been assigned a locker you can bring the rest of your school supplies.
Our first day's dismissal time is 10:30 AM. School buses will arrive shortly after dismissal to take students home.
Wednesday, September 4th, will be a full day of school. Your homeroom teacher will tell you what time you should arrive and the dismissal time. (School day is 9:00 to 3:08)
If you are, or will be, a school bus student you can check the school district website at for more information on fees and schedules.
If you have any further questions please contact the school at 250-656-1129.